Welcome to Functional Medicine

So glad you are here. This site is about natural cures prescribed by MD’s for multiple chronic medical problems, low energy, and weight loss. These from and Integrative and Functional Medicine viewpoint. I started this site because in my clinical practice I can only see a handful of patients, but as multiple patients, friends, colleagues, and random people that ask me medical questions because they know I’m a doctor have said to me “how come none of my other doctors ever told me that?”

I am a conventionally trained Board Certified Family Medicine Physican. I also am board certified in Integrative Medicine and have the maximum certification available through the Institute for Functional Medicine for Functional Medicine.

And full disclosure this site is also a creative outlet for me; I was a theatre minor back in College and went into medicine because when I told my parents after graduation that I wanted to go to LA and try my luck in Hollywood they told me “Good Indian girls don’t go to Hollywood- please stick to your smart plan…go to medical school.” So I also hope to entertain you as well as educate you and your families about creating lifestyles that will not only feed your bellies but your soul also.

If you want to learn a little bit more about my credentials please check out the About page- I promise I’m legit. I have been trained for more years than you care to think about and teaching it for over 10 years.

All of the information on this site is backed by data and here to educate you, but I have to remind you that I am not your doctor so please check with your physician before you start any new regimens.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

– Thomas Jefferson

Helping People Find Their Everyday Feel Good Formula

Toilet Paper- the key to preventing COVID-19

Toilet Paper- the key to preventing COVID-19

So, the COVID-19 coronavirus is most likely going to be in your community in the next few weeks if it isn’t already and I am repeatedly being asked by patients what they can do to protect their families besides stocking up on toilet paper.  The biggest thing that we...

Meditation for Mental Health

Meditation for Mental Health

Over the past month, I have seen a surge of patients presenting with anxiety and/or depression in my practice. “I am so scared, scared to go out, scared to be home alone, scared of how I am going to pay my bills, and scared that my family members and friends could die in the next few weeks. I don’t know what to do,” said one patient recently.

A regular meditation practice can help create healthier thought patterns.

Sleep Initiation, Sleep Latency, or Both?

Sleep Initiation, Sleep Latency, or Both?

Common supplements that can help with sleep initiation are melatonin, valerian root, passionflower and lemon balm. Common supplements that can help with sleep latency are glycine and l-theanine. Honokiol or dihydrohonokiol-B (DHHb), derived from magnolia bark, can work for both.

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